Please let us know your experience walking the Greenwich Meridian Trail. We should like to know if you have noticed any mistakes in the guides, had any problems following the directions or finding your way along the trail. We have produced an accommodation list but these days it is very easy to find places to stay by searching the internet and you may well be more up to date. Do get in touch by leaving a message below.
Click below for the latest updates to the route directions. We have found numerous minor changes but have only included the important ones in the update pages which only cover the latest editions of the guides. For the updates to first editions click on the relevant buttons on the update pages.
Book One | Book Two | Book Three | Book Four
Find out more about the walk by visiting Long Distance Walkers Association’s. It has a map of the route and much more useful information. And when you have finished our walk you will find many more long-distance paths on the LDWA website for you to follow if you are so inclined.
The Greenwich Meridian – where east meets west at www.thegreenwichmeridian.org This is an excellent website where you will find more information about the Prime Meridian than you can possibly absorb in one sitting.
Find out more about Greenwich at www.visitoruk.com/greenwich
Header Image: Greenwich Observatory